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  • Mastering the Art of Customer Interviews with Chat-GPT 🎯

Mastering the Art of Customer Interviews with Chat-GPT 🎯

ALSO: 🚀Get It Now Your your Free AI Micro SaaS Template! 🤖

Welcome, AI founders

Are you wondering what AI BizHive is all about? Let me introduce myself.

I'm Aaron Misash, a computer science student and a solopreneur, and I’m really pasionate about Indie Hacking. Over the last six months, I've been learning about and experimenting with Micro SaaS, which are small software projects. While I've had some failures, I am confident that I will find success with some of those projects.

During this journey, I've learned that coming up with ideas and, in particular building them can be a challenge. That's why I decided to create this newsletter. Micro SaaS are affordable and quick to put into action, especially if you're a student, solopreneur, or just starting out like me.

In this newsletter, I'll share AI Micro SaaS ideas and how to bring them to life with code tools. I'll also share my experiences as a AI founder.

So let's start this journey together!


  • Mastering the Art of Customer Interviews with Chat-GPT

  • AI Micro SaaS idea

  • AI Customer Interview Generator Template

  • Customer Interview Simulator GPT 🤖

Read time: 2.5 minutes


Mastering the Art of Customer Interviews with Chat-GPT ðŸŽ¯

Several months back, I was part of a startup competition where we crafted our Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This journey highlighted a crucial insight: conducting effective customer interviews is a pivotal yet challenging part of entrepreneurial success. The crux lies in crafting solutions that align with what people genuinely desire, not merely what we presume they need.

My exploration led me to 'The Mom Test', a book that transformed my approach to customer interviews. It steered me away from superficial queries like 'How much are you willing to pay?' and directed me towards profound 'why' questions. These inquiries are instrumental in uncovering unique insights and patterns, giving you an edge over competitors.

Integral to product evolution is the practice of interviewing clients at each developmental phase. My strategy involves curating a list of target audiences, preferring those with whom engaging conversations come naturally.

The real test, however, is in refining this essential skill, particularly without access to actual clients for practice. Here's where ChatGPT steps in as a revolutionary tool. We can craft a detailed client profile using known data, then simulate an interview through a customized ChatGPT prompt. This method is invaluable for visualizing and honing your interview skills.

Consider this client profile as an example:

  • Name: Alex

  • Age: 34

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Origin: Boston, Massachusetts

  • Habits: Early riser, enjoys reading, frequently visits coffee shops

  • Occupation: Software Developer

  • Marital Status: Single

  • Education: Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

  • Interests: Technology, Hiking, Indie Music

  • Needs/Goals: Seeking tools for better work-life balance, wants to learn more about investing

  • Hypotheses:

    • Alex might benefit from an app that helps with personal finance management.

    • Alex could be interested in joining a community for outdoor activities.

    • Alex might appreciate a book club at local coffee shops.

Using this ChatGPT prompt you could simulated ChatGPT interview like this:

Interviewer : Hi Alex, thank you for agreeing to chat with me today. I'm interested in understanding more about your lifestyle and any challenges you might be facing. Can I start by asking how you currently manage your personal finances?

Customer (Alex ): Sure, I mostly use my bank's app to keep track of my expenses, but I admit I don’t have a structured approach to budgeting or investing.

Analysis: Alex's response indicates a potential interest in tools that could offer a more structured approach to personal finance. This aligns with our first hypothesis and suggests a need for a user-friendly app that simplifies budgeting and investment tracking.

Keep reading. I'll be introducing a unique micro SaaS idea, accompanied by a fully-prepared template, ready for immediate launch :)


AI Customer Interview Generator ðŸ¤–💡

The AI microSaaS idea addresses a specific challenge many entrepreneurs face: the difficulty in crafting and conducting effective customer interviews. The solution? We've developed a user-friendly MVP - a customer interview generator.

But the potential of this tool extends far beyond just interview practice. Imagine tailoring it to various niches – it could be adapted for market research in the tech industry, customer feedback in the retail sector, or even audience engagement in the entertainment industry. The possibilities are vast.

For instance, in the tech industry, use it to gather nuanced feedback on software usability. In retail, customize the tool to understand shopping behaviors and preferences. In the entertainment sector, it could be an invaluable asset for gauging audience reception and interests.

Moreover, this tool can be a cornerstone in your content marketing strategy. Utilize the insights gained to create targeted blog posts, podcasts, or webinars that resonate deeply with your audience. It's also perfect for social media engagement – use the generated data to spark conversations and build a community around your brand.

So, as you continue reading, you'll find a ready-to-use template. Easy to deploy and user-friendly.


I've created an MVP just for you! To fully grasp the code, some programming know-how is essential. This template is crafted using Python, leveraging the LangChain framework, and integrates seamlessly with the ChatGPT API. For deployment, I highly recommend Streamlit. It's not only free but also user-friendly with excellent documentation.


Customer Interview Simulator GPT 🤖

Simulation game to improve interview skills based on 'The Mom Test' book.

As a creator, mastering customer interviews is essential. To assist you, The customer Interview Simulator GPT creates a hypothetical customer profile and a product scenario. It guides you through a simulated conversation to help understand customer needs more effectively


Thanks for reading! In 2024, AI is creating many new opportunities for us. It helps us develop MVPs faster and test our ideas more effectively.

I'd appreciate your feedback on this email. What topics related to AI and entrepreneurship interest you the most? Which part of the newsletter did you find most useful or enjoyable, and why?

Your thoughts are really valuable. They help me make future editions of this newsletter better.

Let's keep discovering the exciting world of AI together!